Hi there! My name is Catrina Gardner, and I’m the Vice President at YPWA Worcester, a nonprofit that provides professional development, networking, and local experiences to the women of Worcester. YPWA (which stands for Young Professional Women’s Association) is proud to be a repeat Best Of Business winner by the Worcester Business Journal for Best Young Professional Network. When I’m not involved with my YPWA events and duties as VP, I’m working as a Communications Manager at Vision Advertising, a women-owned and -run marketing agency founded in Worcester.

I grew up outside of Worcester and visited the city often, as I danced in Worcester at Charlotte Klein Dance Studio. Dance recitals at the Hanover Theater are one of my favorite memories. I’ve been thrilled to immerse myself in Worcester through work and the YPWA. I absolutely love it here and love sharing why it’s so magical with everyone I can.

Please tell us about your current career and what you love most about what you do?
As Communications Manager at Vision Advertising, I support business’s with their marketing efforts, specifically with social media and PR. But my favorite part of my job at the moment is running our internship program. Teaching and guiding the young adults who are looking to start careers soon has been incredibly rewarding.

What is your favorite restaurant in Worcester, and what is your favorite dish?
This is such a tough question because there are SO MANY wonderful choices. I always love going to Nuovo for Carbonara.

Q: Who is the most interesting person you’ve ever met?
In college, I went on a service-learning trip to Novo Airão, located in the Amaozonas, Brazil. This trip was for a class on ecotourism. We had a local guide, Leandro, who stayed with our group the week we were there. While Leandro took us through flooded rain forests, on sunrise kayak rides, nocturnal sightseeing, and more we learned a lot about him and his life. Leandro was raised in a tribe and shared details of what that was like growing up which was incredibly fascinating. I would love to have a chance to say hello again.

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?
Before the pandemic, I probably would have told you something really grand, like a trip to Europe! But right now I’d love nothing more than to visit some dear family and friends I haven’t see in far too long. So I’d love to visit Utah, Oregon, and Florida.

Q: What is your go to band when you can’t decide what to listen to?
Taylor Swift.

Q: What is your best advice?
Feel the fear and do it anyway. I’ve always loved this quote, and I try to live by it myself. You wouldn’t look at me and think, “wow, there’s a risk taker.” I’m scared of heights, not very adventurous, and happiest when I spend Friday nights curled up with a good book. I love to live in my comfort zone, but I also know that some of my proudest accomplishments have come from doing the things that scare me. It isn’t helpful to pretend things aren’t scary, because they are! So feel that fear, acknowledge it, and then do the damn thing anyway.

Q: What is one of the top three items on your Bucket List?
I would love to travel to Finland. I’m half-Finnish and have always connected to my Finnish ancestry. I would love to visit the country, swim in the lakes, enjoy several saunas, watch the northern lights, and maybe hang out with some reindeer.

Q: What current/former local business makes you the most nostalgic about Worcester?
My dance studio, Charlotte Klein Dance Center. I grew up dancing and have most of my fond childhood memories of Worcester at that studio, including walks to McDonalds in-between classes in our leotards and tights.

Q: Choosing anyone alive and a non-relative with whom would you love to have lunch? Why?
Can I choose 2 people? I’d love to go out to eat with Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively. I think it would be amazingly fun.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years?
That’s a loaded question! If the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that the future can’t be planned. Hopefully in 5 years, I’ll be happy with my career and family.

Q: What is something interesting that most people don’t know about you, even your friends or family.
I have one game on my phone, and it’s minesweeper.

Q: What 3 words or phrases come to mind when you think of the word HOME?
Comfort, family, love.

Q: If a motion picture was made of your life, what actor/actress would you choose to play you?
Florence Pugh

Q: What is your favorite thing or something unique about Worcester?
The murals around the city make me so happy!

Q: What is your favorite smell?
A Yankee Candle called Home Sweet Home

Q: Who inspires you to be better?
My son!

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