I am an Attorney, a co-Pastor and Co-Founder of Faith Fellowship, a multi-cultural Church in Worcester started some fifteen years ago. I was born in Ghana in West Africa and have lived in Worcester for close to two decades. I am licensed and qualified in both Massachusetts & New York and hold a Master’s Degree in Law from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. a mother of three biological children and countless spiritual children all over the world, I find fulfilment in seeing the people entrusted to my care and counsel find success and experience fulfilment in their lives.

Co-pastoring Faith Fellowship has been a most rewarding journey right next to raising my children; Joseph, Jude, and Faith. At Faith Fellowship, I preach, counsel and teach alongside my husband and head the women’s ministry, spearheading women’s retreats and annual women’s conferences attended by Women from local churches and beyond.

My passion is to empower women and see women, whatever their ages, backgrounds, or educational level, succeed in their calling, vocation or career. I firmly believe that women are as important in the Church and the secular world as men and must always seek to make significant contributions in their workplaces and their communities. I grew up in a home where my parents never saw my gender as a limiting attribute; they always encouraged me to dream big, and to never see anything as being impossible for me. I yearn to see young girls and young women see themselves in the same light.
When I have any, I like to write, read, watch movies or hang out with my family in my free time.

Please tell us about your current career and what you love most about what you do?
Currently, I co-Pastor our Church with my husband. What I love most about what I do is seeing people without hope and a future turning their lives around, breaking barriers and becoming upstanding citizens in their community because they found Jesus Christ.

What is your favorite restaurant in Worcester, and what is your favorite dish?
I don’t really have a favorite, but I can zero in on a couple. I love Unique Cafe’s smoothies and Accra Girls Restaurant’s jollof rice!

Who is the most interesting person you’ve ever met?
No one fits the bill yet. I’ve met quite a few interesting people and looking forward to meeting many more.

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?
Australia. A few people swear it has the most beautiful beaches. I’d like to visit Sydney, which is arguably the most beautiful city in the world!

What is your go to band when you can’t decide what to listen to?
I don’t have one. Any good spirit-filled Christian music does it for me.

What is your best advice?
As long as you have life there is hope for you.

What is one of the top three items on your Bucket List?
Pilot a plane or go bungee jumping.

What current/former local business makes you the most nostalgic about Worcester?
Coral Seafood

Choosing anyone alive and a non-relative with whom would you love to have lunch? Why?
Indra Nooyi, the first woman of color and immigrant to run a Fortune 50 company. I’d like to ask how she maintained a work-life balance and what she has done to pull other women up.

Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years?
I want to be known beyond the four walls of my organization, making viable contributions to the Worcester immigrant community helping to foster collaborative relationships between stakeholders in the city and the immigrant community using my organization as a platform to help bridge the gap between the two sides.

What is something interesting that most people don’t know about you, even your friends or family.
This is a hard one. I am a closet novelist; I have “written” countless novels in my head. Or maybe, that I don’t know how to turn off my mind. There is always something running through my mind. I hope these count!

What 3 words or phrases come to mind when you think of the word HOME?
Peace. Love. Laughter.

If a motion picture was made of your life, what actor/actress would you choose to play you?
Viola Davis. She’s as intense as they come. I think she can capture the essence of who I am.

What is your favorite thing or something unique about Worcester?
The people. The diverse people and cultures in Worcester.

What is your favorite smell?

Who inspires you to be better?
My congregation members.

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