Hello, my name is Amanda Shearstone, I grew up in Clinton Ma, which is in Worcester County and I have lived in Worcester since 2008. I have worked in Worcester since 2005 at Abbott which is now AbbVie. I was nominated for Faces of Worcester because of my petition and push to allow chickens in Worcester.  My push for this has been going on for over a year but slowly it is getting there. I’m happy to say that this has been the furthest it has ever gotten. I believe if people educate themselves on the matter, they will realize having chickens in Worcester is not as big of a deal as it has been made to be. Please follow us on FB @ChickenUpWorcester.

Q: Please tell us about your current career and what you love most about what you do?
I have worked at AbbVie, a Worcester based company, for the last 17+ years. There are lots of things about my job that I love. I have always enjoyed the people I work with and am glad it is such a diverse team. I have learned a lot from my colleagues, and many have become good friends. AbbVie has given me the opportunity to teach at Quinsigamond Community College, do tours for local students, and work with our Culture Team planning some great events.

Q: What is your favorite restaurant in Worcester, and what is your favorite dish?
I am always up for some Raviolis at Rosalina’s Kitchen and with it being BYOB you cannot go wrong! Worcester has some amazing restaurants, and I am not scared to try something new.

Q: Who is the most interesting person you’ve ever met?
My first thought on this is my Parents. If you know my parents, you know why I say this. They both are two amazing people and anyone who has ever had the privilege of meeting them walked away a better person. They both have taught me a lot and I am thankful for it all, the good, the bad, and the ugly. That is one thing my parents always did, they kept it real and never sugar coated anything. Besides them I have met all sorts of people that are interesting and inspire me. I have a passion for travel and have met many great people in my journeys.

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?
New Zealand both the North Island and South Island. I’m a big The Lord of the Rings fan and ever since watching those movies I have wanted to go to New Zealand. It is top on my Travel Bucket List and trust me that travel list is long.

Q: What is your go to band when you can’t decide what to listen to?
I am not sure I can pick just one so I will go with Pink and Rusted Root. They both lift my mood and are either empowering or relaxing. I have seen both in concert and have to say Pink is amazing and puts on a real show. Rusted Root is lesser known and always puts on a great concert.

Q: What is your best advice?
Always Smile…! No matter how you feel inside always smile. Your smile will brighten up someone’s day and in turn will brighten up your own.

Q: What is one of the top three items on your Bucket List?
I want a retirement home on an Island, or somewhere warm and tropical. I do not want to have to wear pants or shoes anymore. I have always gone after what I have wanted and usually prove people wrong when they say it can’t be done.

Q: What current/former local business makes you the most nostalgic about Worcester?
Since I did not grow up in Worcester the only place, I really remember that might make me feel nostalgic is the Worcester Center Galleria. As an adult I really love the growth I have seen in Worcester since I have moved here and all the eateries and breweries that are popping up. Polar Park is also up there on my list as I love Fenway, and this is like a mini-Fenway in my backyard. I love how the train goes right through the park and they always honk the horn. I love that the concession stands are filled with local restaurants and local beer is always served and I can watch a game, see fireworks and be home before 10pm.

Q: Choosing anyone alive and a non-relative with whom would you love to have lunch? Why?
I would love to have lunch with Councilor Bergman or any of the City Councilors who are opposed with having chickens in Worcester. Why? I would like to have an open dialogue about what it is like for me to raise chickens and how I believe this can benefit the city of Worcester.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years?
Happy, Healthy, and continuing to explore the world.

Q: What is something interesting that most people don’t know about you, even your friends or family.
I am mostly an open book so there isn’t much that people don’t know about me. That being said, a lot of people would be really surprised about how nervous I get when it comes to public speaking.

Q: What 3 words or phrases come to mind when you think of the word HOME?
Family – Happiness – Joy

Q: If a motion picture was made of your life, what actor/actress would you choose to play you?
Actress, Camera Diaz though the height difference might be noticeable. I was an extra in Knight and Day and she was very down to earth and funny on set. If it were a singer, I would say Pink. I do not have a voice like hers at all but have been told by many I have the same spunky attitude.

Q: What is your favorite thing or something unique about Worcester?
I love the atmosphere in Worcester, the diversity, the culture, the restaurants, and the people.

Q: What is your favorite smell?
Driving on a motorcycle and smelling fresh cut grass, the rain before it arrives and gasoline.

Q: Who inspires you to be better?
My daughter Joy. She has been my biggest supporter trying to get an Ordinance in Worcester for the Allowance of Chickens. She has gone to every meeting with me proudly wearing her Chicken Up Worcester shirt and never complaining about the time it takes. She makes me want to be a better person so she can learn from watching me. I already see a strong-willed woman inside of her and look forward to watching her grow.

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